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Updating of customer information for new and existing Corporate clients

Due to changes in the Norwegian regulations concerning measures against money laundering and terrorist financing, and the implementation of the European Union's 4th Anti-Money Laundering directive (AML 4), we are obliged to update information and identification details on our customers.

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Please use the company’s organisation number to log in

Please choose below

Choose this option if all signatories have BankID

Log in with BankID

Choose this option if some signatories do not have BankID

Fill in without BankID


Filling in a digital customer profile

To update your information, we kindly ask you to fill in our digital customer profile by following the links on the right hand side of this page. Please be advised that all tabs and fields must be filled in. It is important that the form is filled out electronically and not by paper to make sure that all our customer information is updated and correct. Please find links to the form to the right. 

Why is this important?

Please be advised that we could be prevented from executing transactions related to your customer relationship, cf. the anti-money laundering law (hvitvaskingsloven) section 21, if we do not receive the updated customer information.

Contact us

If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. Our opening hours are Monday to Friday kl 09:00-15:00.


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