Updating of customer information for new and existing Corporate clients
Due to changes in the Norwegian regulations concerning measures against money laundering and terrorist financing, and the implementation of the European Union's 4th Anti-Money Laundering directive (AML 4), we are obliged to update information and identification details on our customers.
Please use the company’s organisation number to log in
Please choose below
Choose this option if all signatories have BankID
Choose this option if some signatories do not have BankID
Save your progress
Using BankID to sign in allows you to save your progress throughout the session by pressing the "save your progress"-button in the bottom right corner. Your information will then be stored for 30 days, and unsaved information will be lost if the portal is left inactive for 60 minutes. We recommend saving continuously and to always do so before moving on from the summary in tab 7. Once you proceed from this stage, you will be able to download the summary before signing the documents.
Collecting signatures
If the person filling out the form does not have signatory rights for the entity, proper signatures can be collected by sharing the form with other BankID users. Note: if the signatories do not have BankID, they will not be able to sign and submit digitally. The form will then have to be printed, signed and submitted manually, along with attachments. To add signatories who have BankID, please enter their information in tab 6. Once the person filling the form has completed it and signed with their BankID, any signatories that were added will receive a link via email that allows them to also sign the form. Please make sure to inform the recipient of this, so they can be sure the link is not a phishing attempt. The signed version of the form will only be delivered to SEB once all signatures are submitted.
If the person(s) signing on behalf of the entity does not have BankID, the form has to be filled out without signing into the portal. This means that the form has to be completed in one sitting, as it will unfortunately not be possible to save your information. If the portal is left inactive for 60 minutes, the information will be lost. This is to protect your information in the absence of a personal authentication method through BankID. We recommend looking through the form in advance by using the tabs to navigate, in order to prepare the information necessary to complete it in one sitting. Once you have entered all the information and press "Next" under the summary in tab 7, the completed form will appear in a printing format. This document has to be printed out and forwarded manually to the signatory.
Please make sure that the form is completely and correctly filled out before moving on from tab 7. From the printing format stage it will not be possible to go back without losing the entered data.
There could be agreements that require signatures that will not be available when using the portal without signing in with BankID. We will be in touch and send you these for signing if necessary.
How to submit the form
Once you have completed, printed and signed this form, please send it along with the required attachments by post or, if possible, by using a secure email service.
- Financial statements for the past three years (all entities)
- Certified copies of passports for all signatories
- Certified copies of passports for beneficial owners and/or senior managing officials (if you were asked to identify them in section 4 of the form)
- Organisational structure chart, containing the name, TIN, country of registration and ownership/control interest (as percentage) of each legal entity and/or natural person(s) (if you were instructed to do so in section 4 of the form)
- If the entity has a significant number of company representatives, please attach a document with the required information (name, company role, birth date, mobile and e-mail address)
- For non-Norwegian entities, please attach the entity's official certificate (the entity's official certificate should not be older than 3 months) and signatory list.
- FI Due Diligence form (for entities that received this form as part of their request to update their customer information).
Postal address: P.O.Box 1843 Vika, NO-0123 Oslo, Norway
Email: kyc@seb.no
Filling in a digital customer profile
To update your information, we kindly ask you to fill in our digital customer profile by following the links on the right hand side of this page. Please be advised that all tabs and fields must be filled in. It is important that the form is filled out electronically and not by paper to make sure that all our customer information is updated and correct. Please find links to the form to the right.
Why is this important?
Please be advised that we could be prevented from executing transactions related to your customer relationship, cf. the anti-money laundering law (hvitvaskingsloven) section 21, if we do not receive the updated customer information.
Contact us
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. Our opening hours are Monday to Friday kl 09:00-15:00.