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Market Outlook Special: Focus on Ukraine

The tragic war in Ukraine continues. Our thoughts go out to all those affected.

As a result, this week’s issue of Market Outlook has a different look than usual, since we have collected some of our latest market comments and webcasts for you.

We will continue to follow the developments closely, hoping that the extent and duration of the war and human suffering will be limited.

Brief market update

This morning's stock trading in Asia picked up where Europe and the US ended, with a full focus on Russia's continued violent attacks on Ukraine.

European stock markets lost around 4% yesterday, while in the US, the S&P 500 index fell around 1.5%.

The price of oil has now also risen to around $ 110/barrel (Brent) in line with concerns about the effects of various sanctions.

March 2
More sanctions as the Russian invasion intensifies
‌The Ukraine crisis continues to escalate with Russia stepping up its campaign.

March 1
The West is increasing its economic pressure on Russia
‌Official sanctions have been followed by reports that even the private sector in the West is also rapidly cutting ties with the Russian economy.

March 1
SEB makes 1 million kronor donation
‌We support the Red Cross' relief efforts in Ukraine. For every krona collected among employees, SEB contributes the same amount.

February 28
Dramatic weekend & escalation: 5th day in the new era
‌Despite a continued horrid news flow around the Ukraine crisis, global equity markets rose on Friday.

February 28
Extra market commentary
‌After a surprisingly strong end to the previous stock market week, European stock markets closed Monday slightly down.

February 25
Watch SEB's experts discuss current events (25 min)
‌Watch the SEB Chief Economist Jens Magnusson discuss current events with our Chief Investment Officer for Private Wealth Management & Family Office, Fredrik Öberg. The discussion is moderated by our investment strategist Johan Hagbarth.

February 24
Russia invades Ukraine - what does it entail?
‌SEB Chief Economist Jens Magnusson answers six questions about the potential consequences of Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

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