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Market Outlook: A strong stock market month, more rate hikes

  • A tech rebound and a tech acquisition
  • Euro area key rate announcement
  • Record inflation in the euro area
  • More key interest rate hikes this week

Macroeconomic factors vs market forces

Overall, October was a strong month for stock markets. This may seem strange, since news headlines were not of the uplifting kind. Instead, there were continued downgrades in economic growth forecasts, interest rate hikes and stubbornly high inflation. But offsetting these weighty macroeconomic factors are some more market-related forces that point in the opposite direction. We are sticking to our neutral view on the stock market.

Last week’s news headlines were dominated by the euro area, with a big interest rate hike and record inflation. This week will see more central bank policy announcements, with the US Federal Reserve as the focus of attention.

November market view

Our weekly update

A strong stock market month, more rate hikes


On China. Of course.