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Shareholder meeting: Fondsfinans Norge

For your information: Recommended changes to the articles of association for Fondsfinans Norge was approved in the recent shareholder meeting.

Follow link for more information (in Norwegian)

Translated to English:
The shareholder meeting for Fondsfinans Norge was held on Thursday 14 December 2023 at 10 a.m. Recommended changes to the articles of association for Fondsfinans Norge were voted in favor and will be sent to the Norwegian Financial Supervisory Authority for approval.

The shareholder meeting thus decided:
in §5 of the articles of association to remove the statutory discount structure of the fund and in §7 of the articles of association to introduce a new share class in the fund.
in §6 of the articles of association to introduce a subscription fee that the board can temporarily introduce in case of capacity limitations in the fund.

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