Updating customer information using Power of Attorney (POA)
In accordance with Norwegian anti-money laundering legislation, we are obliged to identify all persons who may act on behalf of our customers. Therefore, if you have access to accounts, or use our services on behalf of a private or corporate client in other ways, we ask you to fill out our short, online form. Please find links to the form to the right.
Submitting your ID and information
If you have BankID, we recommend that you use this to log into the form, which will then serve as your form of identification. You will not need to submit additional forms of ID. When you've completed the form, please use BankID to sign and submit your information digitally and securely.
Completing the form without BankID
If you do not have BankID, the form will have to be filled without logging in. The form will become available in a printable format once filled out. Please print, sign and send the form to SEB along with a certified copy of your passport: PB 1843 Vika, 0123 Oslo, Norway.
Without BankID, you will not have the option to save your information in the online form. If the form is left inactive for 60 minutes, the information you have entered will be lost.
To registration
Contact us
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact us. Our opening hours are Monday to Friday kl 09:00-15:00.